Making TV Scanlines in Photoshop

TV scanline effect can be used for different purposes, mostly for stylistic enhancement.

Here's a simple way to create TV scanline effect.

wpe1.jpg (9704 bytes)
This is the source image we will be working with. You will have to know it's width. To get it, just go to Image>Image Size and you will see the width. My example is 200 pixels wide.
wpe3.jpg (687 bytes) Create neCreate new file that would be the same width as your source file but 4 pixels high. Fill it with black. hat would be the same width as your source file but 4 pixels high. Fill it with black.
wpe5.jpg (2901 bytes) Now, select half of this line (top or bottom doesn't matter) and fill with white just as shown on the picture. We will use this as a pattern. Select>All and Edit>Define Pattern
wpe6.jpg (8768 bytes) Switch to target image, bring up channels palette (Window>Show Channels). Create a new channel by clicking "New Channel" icon (you know where it is, don't you?). Edit>Fill... with Pattern.

That's how the channel looks right now. If you want thinner or wider scanlines, just create not 4 pixel high image but 2 pixels high one. You must be getting the idea, huh?

wpe8.jpg (10906 bytes) Switch to RGB channel, Select>Load Selection>#4.

Image>Adjust>Levels.. There will be 3 input boxes for Input Levels first one will be set to 0, second to 1 and third to 255. Change the one that says 1 to 0.4

Click OK.